How Magic Impresses anyone of Every Age!
What is it that makes magic so special? Darryl Rose, who has been performing for years, says its how you are made to feel after experiencing his magic.
The effect on the person is always remembered, as well as the name “Darryl Rose”. It doesn’t matter of you are 4 or 94 years old, Darryl has the charm and talent to entertain everyone.
Magic has a profound effect on people and Darryl uses his magic in a unique and entertaining way.
To Darryl it does not matter which magic effect is being performed.
Whether it is close up magic, pick pocketing or mind reading, he is always ready to perform everywhere without any prior preparation. This makes Darryl a great and versatile pick pocket magician in London.
According to Darryl, the best way to make people smile is through his magic. So, whenever he is in a restaurant or in a grocery store, he never misses a chance to perform his amazing magic to make everyone smile.
Without magic he is just like any other ordinary man, but with his amazing magic and mind reading, he turns into someone else. Darryl has astounded audiences around the world by performing with his elegant close up magic around tables during dinner parties using borrowed items, cards, coins, rope and cutlery. At weddings he certainly has the bride and groom eating out the palm of his hand. This is why Darryl makes a great professional wedding magician of in London.
By performing magic all around the UK and world, he has become one of the top 250 in the world and an unforgettable magician in London.
He makes magic great and with this, he is always prepared to take the advantage of any situation around him, and wins the heart of millions with his performances.